Hi there! Welcome to my little corner of the internet. My name is Mary, & I’m just a little ol’ lass from the Southern Highlands of NSW, Australia. I’m 26 years old, terrible at writing my own bio, a director, dreamer, wannabe writer, content creator and personally appointed reviewer of pretty things…
I was diagnosed with Insulin Resistance when I was 20 years old, and it’s something I’ve been juggling [erring on the loosing side] ever since, and for that reason, I suffer from panic/anxiety attacks, constant weight gain and a constant longing for all the bread I cannot consume.
I have a Bachelor of Business & Commerce with a major in Marketing and have been working in the family business since I was a little girl. I’m now one of the four directors of Endless Candles, a contract candle manufacturer in Braemar and the Creator/Curator of Mary Grace, a beauty and lifestyle brand with a focus on eco friendly, natural and sensitive product lines.
I’m an avid book reader, have been since before I could talk properly. I’ve always loved the way a single page could transport you to other worlds, to a space away from the mundane reality life can sometimes bring. I have an obsession with the Supernatural/Paranormal-Romance genre and have a hard time reading outside of that. The same thing translates into the TV Shows and Movies that I love [though I do have a broader perspective when it comes to TV] so most of my book reviews will be focused on that genre.
I’ve always had a passion for quality, for spreading the love of brands and things that bring me joy and also just talking a lot. This blog will be a place for me to do just that, bringing you reviews of the books I’m reading, the products I adore and random commentary on my life and business. If you’ve made it this far, I commend you and hope you enjoy the content I bring!
♡ MG